A recent study by the British Columbia Nurses Union and the UBC School of Nursing, found that 40 percent of the province’s nurses are struggling with severe depression.The study also revealed that as a result of the pandemic, 60 percent of nurses are showing signs of burnout.“We know 85 percent of our nurses are seriously concerned about bringing this virus home,” said Christine Sorensen, president of the British Columbia Nurses Union, or BCNU. Read MoreRead More
EXTENSION OF PROVINCE-WIDE RESTRICTIONS On January 7, 2021 BC’s Provincial Health Officer (PHO) ordered an extension to existing province-wide restrictions to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Specifically, the sections of the gatherings and events order concerning visitors in private residences and allowable/prohibited events (sections A, B and C) that were to expire on January 8th have been extended to February 5, 2021 at midnight. All events and social gatherings are suspended to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions. All non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province. PHO UPDATES RE: VARSITY SPORT AND RETAIL OCCUPANCY LIMITS – Varsity sport On December 24, 2020 BC’s Public Health Officer (PHO) amended the Gatherings and Events Order to expand and clarify restrictions on sports and fitness activities. These changes include permitting varsity sports subject to conditions, such as allowing participants to train or practice only with their home institution, ensuring participants maintain three-metre physical distancing, and prohibiting spectators. For the sake of clarity, “varsity sport” includes only formally recognized sports rather than intramural or other informal fitness activities. It is defined as follows: “Varsity sport” means a sport for which the eligibility requirements for participation are established by a national...Read More
Long before the pandemic, her family and others had complained about the quality of care residents were getting at George Pearson Centre, a long-term care home owned and operated by Vancouver Coastal Health for people with complex care needs. Read MoreRead More
It was a gut punch to people living in assisted living and long-term care and their families who are already all-too-aware of the body of evidence confirming that the pandemic lockdowns have made their fragile health even more precarious. Read MoreRead More
Countries with strong regulation and centralized oversight of their long-term care have fared better overall in dealing with COVID-19, according to veteran, Canadian seniors care researchers. Fuelled by this, co-authors Pat Armstrong and Marcy Cohen are making recommendations to Ottawa in a discussion paper today by Vancouver-based Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, a left-leaning think-tank. Read MoreRead More
Too much of what you’re writing comes from the dark side, he said. Maybe you should retire. It got me thinking. … And no, not about retirement. To the question of joyful stuff, I can answer a conditional yes. They’re have been small scale things close to home in a year when, ironically, I had planned to visit Bhutan – the first place in the world where government budgets are screened through the lens of their effect on citizens’ happiness and well-being. Read MoreRead More
Two health-care workers who served on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic in a private long-term care home say they’ve been unfairly excluded from a temporary wage top-up given to their counterparts in publicly funded facilities. A care aide a nurse who both work at a privately owned and operated care home in Port Coquitlam said they worked 12- to 16-hour shifts to care for the home’s 49 residents in the early weeks of the pandemic. Read More Original Article Source Credits: CityNews1130 , https://www.citynews1130.com/ Article Written By: KELVIN GAWLEY Original Article Posted on: Oct 22, 2020 Link to Original Article: https://www.citynews1130.com/2020/10/22/private-care-home-workers-call-exclusion-from-b-c-pandemic-pay-extremely-unfair/Read More
Opinion: More funding is needed for raw food costs and dietary staff to support homemade meal service, more direct care hours to offer daily showers or baths if desired, a decrease in the use of antipsychotics without a supporting diagnosis of psychosis. Read More Original Article Source Credits: The Province , https://theprovince.com/ Article Written By: Dan Levitt Original Article Posted on: Oct 25, 2020 Link to Original Article: https://theprovince.com/opinion/dan-levitt-a-new-deal-is-urgently-needed-in-long-term-careRead More
People can alleviate anxiety symptoms by keeping to routines, exercising, and staying connected with their social network as well as following public health guidelines such as washing your hands, wearing masks, and maintaining physical distance. Read More Original Article Source Credits: Vancouver Sun , https://vancouversun.com/ Article Written By: Kevin Griffin Original Article Posted on: Oct 09, 2020 Link to Original Article: https://vancouversun.com/news/mental-health-challenges-expected-to-increase-during-the-first-full-winter-of-covid-19Read More
If you are searching for a fulfilling career that empowers people and offers job security, then look no further than the healthcare assistant industry. However, to ensure that you can secure a great job, it’s essential to attend a reputed healthcare assistant training college with the resources to take you to the top. If you’re planning to enroll at a healthcare assistant training college, you need to put in a sufficient amount of research to find someone that matches your expectations. You need to go through reviews you find online and speak to students who’ve studied with them. At Gateway College, we are confident about the well-rounded educational programs we provide and will not shy away from giving you references. Besides, we will be happy to tell you why we are the leading name in the healthcare training industry. We have been in the healthcare training industry for over three decades and have trained numerous happy students. If you’re looking for a healthcare assistant training college, here are a few reasons why we stand out from the rest. Expert training We have specialized in training health care professionals since 1986. Over the past thirty-four years, we have trained thousands of health...Read More