I’m David, a Director at Gateway College. I look forward to sharing our story. I hope that you will enjoy getting to know us better. Established in 1986, we are a training college that helps graduates find their passion in healthcare. Our mission is to train tomorrow’s healthcare professionals on the most up-to-date Canadian healthcare practice so...Read More
In an endeavor to support essential jobs in Vancouver, BC, The Government is Funding a Program to train Health Care Assistants (HCA) in August 2022. The program will make it accessible for students with no prior work experience to find a job in the health care sector. You can register for the program if you’re a...Read More
Do you have a passion for helping others and want to enjoy working as part of a passionate team? Are you planning to pursue a career in health care? At Gateway College, we can help you get started on your education plan and assist you in achieving your career goals in a short period of time....Read More
Season’s Greetings from Gateway College. We wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year 2022! We want to remind our clients that at the moment, we have some excellent scholarship programs running. If you need any assistance from us during the holiday season, feel free to get in touch with...Read More
As most of the Canadian population is aging, there is an increased need for professional caregivers and health care support. Being a healthcare assistant is a rewarding career where you get the opportunity to help people with diverse healthcare needs. However, it’s important to choose the right healthcare college to ensure you’re equipped with the proper...Read More
Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates are all types of health care assistants (HCAs). In B.C., HCAs who work in hospitals and facilities are known as care aides. They assist nurses, doctors, hospital and facility staff in the basic care of patients. Read MoreRead More
Gateway College is excited to share further news forwarded to us by the Registry about the BC Government’s investment in individuals that chose to join the Health Care Assistant workforce. The attached memo outlines information on the new HCA Recruitment Incentive for students completing Health Care Assistant (HCA) Programs in BC, who take up employment...Read More
As people get older, it is normal for their vision to change. However, there are steps you can take to preserve your eyesight and improve your vision – an important part of staying safe and independent. Read MoreRead More
As the first waves of baby boomers arrive at retirement years, maintaining health and wellness is likely to resonate for a growing number of people. So what are the adaptations and changes that can increase the chances of enjoying life while growing old? Read MoreRead More
Getting vaccinated is easy and safe. Spread the word and help your friends and family complete their registration, book an appointment and get the vaccine. Read MoreRead More